Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Db2 SQL PL book as PDF and many useful doc links

Tell the world about Db2 documentation
Yesterday was one of those days when I, again, worked as information broker. I received a question, asked around myself, passed on information that I learned, and finally handed back an answer to the originator. With this blog post, I am closing the loop and share what I learned. A, I forgot, it is about the Db2 documentation.

Db2 documentation online

You probably know that you can find the Db2 documentation online in the new documentation center. There, you find, e.g.,

You can access the full list of products here. Unfortunately to many, the Db2 documentation is no longer available as PDF books. The page Db2 Version 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows English Manuals hosts PDF manuals, but only for the older Db2 version. 


It includes a great introduction to PL/SQL, the Oracle procedural language supported by Db2. Do we have something similar for SQL PL, THE Db2 procedural language? Yes, there is - but not as part of the Db2 11.1 collection. It is available for Db2 11.5 as PDF: Db2 11.5 SQL PL.

So if you want to read a good overview of SQL PL and how to use it, start with that linked PDF book.

I close with pointing to my old blog on my best practices to search the Db2 documentation. If you have feedback, suggestions, or questions about this post, please reach out to me on Twitter (@data_henrik) or LinkedIn.