Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dates for the IDUG Db2 Tech conferences in 2023

IDUG: International Db2 User Group
Just in time for the holidays, IDUG (International Db2 User Group) has announced the dates and locations for their user group conferences in North America and in Europe:

  • 2023 IDUG NA Db2 Tech Conference will be in Philadelphia and is planned from May 16-19. As a change from previous years, the event will start on a Tuesday. The call for presentations is closing end of this month, December 31st. Check the website for details.
  • 2023 IDUG EMEA Db2 Techn Conference is planned for October 16-19 Prague. With those dates, the event is back to a start on Monday. The call for presentations is not live yet, but expect it soon.

Enjoy the holidays.