Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beware Be aware of the invisible!

Searching the Internet Movie Database, IMDb, for titles with the word "invisible, it seems that fighting the invisible has been something fascinating for decades. XML and XQuery are fascinating, too, but I am not aware of any movies featuring them in the title (maybe still too early?). Anyway, what I am up to today is to show you an interesting XML/XQuery technicality which many beginners are struggling with - and it's caused by something invisible!

Let's start by creating a simple table and inserting an XML document.

create table foo(id int,doc xml);

insert into foo values(1,'<test>hello</test>');
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

The insert statement succeeds as expected. The string is implicitly parsed as XML document because the target column is of type XML. We already know of SQL/XML publishing functions like XMLELEMENT and XMLATTRIBUTES, so let's try to construct the same document and insert it again.

insert into foo values(2,xmlelement(name "test",'hello'));
insert into foo values(2,xmlelement(name "test",'hello'))
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL20345N The XML value is not a well-formed document with a single root
element. SQLSTATE=2200L

Surprisingly (?) the insert statement fails. DB2 is complaining that it is not a well-formed document with a single root element. What happened? We only have one element, why the error message? The answer is that DB2 is expecting a document node as specified in the XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM). The latter is the standard which XQuery and DB2 pureXML are built on.

When we inserted the XML document as a string, the XML parser automatically (implicitly) inserted a document node for us because that node is kind of invisible when looking at XML strings. However, when we build or construct an XML document from ground up using the publishing functions, we have to explicitly create an document node. The SQL/XML standard has a special functions for it: XMLDOCUMENT. Let's try it again.

insert into foo values(2,xmldocument(xmlelement(name "test",'hello')))
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

The XQuery language has several ways of constructing XML documents, too. The easiest is to directly provide a string with tags as shown next. Wrapping it into the XMLQUERY function, we try to insert the generated XML:

insert into foo values(3,xmlquery('<test>hello</test>'))
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL20345N The XML value is not a well-formed document with a single root
element. SQLSTATE=2200L

Not suprisingly (this time!) it fails again and there are two ways to fix it. One is to use the document node constructor provided by the XQuery standard, the other one to use XMLDOCUMENT() as before.

insert into foo values(3,xmlquery('document{<test>hello</test>}'))
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

insert into foo values(4,xmldocument(xmlquery('<test>hello</test>')))
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

Fighting the invisble is not as scary as it seems knowing how and a movie like "The invisible node" probably wouldn't draw a big crowd. Moreover, the document node is not entirely invisible if you know how to make it visible (any parallels to the movies?). Showing you how is a future topic... (creating opportunities for a sequel here :)