Wednesday, April 12, 2017

DB2 Easter Egg Quiz - Kind of

Are you ready for a new DB2 quiz? Here is a tricky question for you. It is about DB2 security, it is (kind of) hardware-related and deals with a relatively new DB2 feature. Curious...?

The following shows the output of a DB2 tool, shipped with your regular DB2 LUW these days:

Keystore Password:
Password successfully stashed to db2_pkcs11_pwd.sth

xxxxx completed sucessfully.

Have a clue? (The "xxxxx" is replacing the name of the db2 tool). If you know the answer, comment and also paste the link to the page in DB2 Knowledge Center describing that tool. I will publish the comments in the next few days.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Aero Expo, Drones and the IBM Cloud

The Aero Expo, the Global Show for General Aviation, is running in my hometown Friedrichshafen from today until the weekend. One of the expo and conference topics is drones of the future (AERODrones UAS Expo). Drones or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have been and are a hot topic for IBM and its customers. Let me give a brief overview of some interesting work where drones, artificial intelligence, analytics, database systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and the IBM Cloud come together.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The 10 Top Stories at April Fools' Day

Top 10 Stories
Today is April Fools' Day and many websites have made up funny and unbelievable stories. What are the best of them? What are practical jokes done online? Read on to find my collection of the best stories found on April Fools' Day.