Well, I am currently catching up. A very busy time, some offline vacation, a surgery with time off, and some busy days getting back "into" work have left me not posting anything for the past 5 weeks. And what has happened!
DB2 9.7 FP2 (9.7.2) is out now with some fixes and new features - more on that in a separate post. For those on DB2 Express-C, the good news is that IBM has updated the free to develop, free to deploy, free to distribute version of DB2, too.
Speaking of free products, there is a free eBook Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2. Actually, this is old news, but what is new is that there is now a free German version of that book, named Einstieg in IBM Data Studio fĂźr DB2.
While I am at German and Germans, I was surprised to read that SAP is buying Sybase. Apparently, this deal is to move SAP into the mobile space, not so much about Sybase's dying database business. And there was another interesting acquisition in the database area, too.
Teradata has bought xkoto and apparently during that process stopped selling new GRIDSCALE licenses. There is discussion, not just at IBM business partners like Triton Consulting, about the increased importance of the DB2 pureScale technology as it suddenly becomes the only available solution to address scalability and cluster high availability. Speaking of DB2 pureScale, the related Information Center is now open to the public.
There was so much more in the past 5 weeks, I will update you once Germany has won the soccer world championship... ;-)