- For DB2 9.5, Fix Pack 3 or newer is a must, due to a problem with SQL and XMLCAST. This means that folks running DB2 Express-C without the FTL (which is currently the only way to bring Express-C up to Fix Pack 3) will be thwarted by that APAR until IBM issues a (long overdue) refresh.
- XML data being passed into a SQL UDF must be cast into the appropriate SQL data type for that UDF.
- The final output of the SQL UDF being called within db2-fn:sqlquery must be cast back to XML, either by surrounding it with an XMLTEXT function, or by passing it into XMLCAST and specifying a type of XML.
xqueryThe other two requirements are due to the typing information that is (not) available. The CAST in SQL (bullet point 2) is necessary to tell SQL how to handle the value in the SQL world. The string could be a VARCHAR(500) or a CHAR(10). The latter would obviously fail given the values passed in. So you better tell SQL what values to expect. Making XML from the output (requirement #3) is also a must because db2-fn:sqlquery() by definition returns a sequence of XML values. I hope this gives some more insight and helps those on DB2 9.5 prior to FP3.
{for $a in db2-fn:xmlcolumn('XMLTBL.XMLCOL')
return <person
soundex="{db2-fn:sqlquery('SELECT XMLTEXT(SOUNDEX(CAST(parameter(1) AS CHAR(128))) ) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1', xs:string($a/name/text()))}" />
BTW: I tested this on my DB2 Express-C 9.5 (shows as "9.5.0" when connecting).