![]() |
SQLDB / DB2 service on IBM Bluemix |
That library needs to be added as dependency to the file "requirements.txt". Cloud Foundry buildpacks for Python then try to download and install it to the runtime environment.
cf push welcomedb2 -b https://github.com/ibmdb/db2pythonbuildpack
I continued my test in trying to connect to my DB2 service from my Python script. I used similar code as in my CouchDB test to obtain the user/server credentials from the Bluemix runtime environment. To demonstrate successful access to DB2 the script utilizes the administrative function ENV_SYS_INFO to obtain information about the DB2 server environment, e.g., which operating system is used and what CPU and memory resources are available. That information is filled into a simple webpage as shown here:
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DB2 server environment on IBM Bluemix |
Last, here is the entire test script to access DB2 from Python in the IBM Bluemix environment:
import os
from flask import Flask,redirect
import urllib
import datetime
import json
import ibm_db
app = Flask(__name__)
# get service information if on Bluemix
if 'VCAP_SERVICES' in os.environ:
db2info = json.loads(os.environ['VCAP_SERVICES'])['sqldb'][0]
db2cred = db2info["credentials"]
# connect to DB2
db2conn = ibm_db.connect("DATABASE="+db2cred['db']+";HOSTNAME="+db2cred['hostname']+";PORT="+str(db2cred['port'])+";UID="+db2cred['username']+";PWD="+db2cred['password']+";","","")
# main page to dump some environment information
def index():
page = '<title>Welcome DB2!</title>'
page += '<h1>Welcome DB2!</h1>'
if db2conn:
# we have a DB2 connection, so obtain system information via ENV_SYS_INFO:
stmt = ibm_db.exec_immediate(db2conn,"select host_name,os_name,os_version,total_cpus,configured_cpus, total_memory,os_kernel_version,os_arch_type, os_release,os_full_version from sysibmadm.env_sys_info")
# fetch the result
result = ibm_db.fetch_assoc(stmt)
page += "OS Name: "+result["OS_NAME"]+"<br/>OS Version: "+result["OS_VERSION"]
page += "<br/>Hostname: "+result["HOST_NAME"]+"<br/> Total CPUs: "+str(result["TOTAL_CPUS"])
page += "<br/>Configured CPUs: "+str(result["CONFIGURED_CPUS"])+"<br/>Total memory: "+str(result["TOTAL_MEMORY"])+" MB"
page += "<br/>OS Kernel Version: "+result["OS_KERNEL_VERSION"]+"<br/>OS Architecture Tpye: "+result["OS_ARCH_TYPE"]
page += "<br/>OS Release: "+result["OS_RELEASE"]+"<br/>OS full version: "+result["OS_FULL_VERSION"]
return page
port = os.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT', '5000')
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host='', port=int(port))