In this post, I want to point out the differences in string semantics depending on whether you are in Oracle or DB2 mode. Let's take a look at the regular first:
db2 => create table foo(id varchar(20) unique not null, num int)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc',1)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc ',2)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc',1)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc ',2)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
When you switch to the Oracle mode by setting the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR, you implicitly also switch to VARCHAR2 semantics. By that different semantics are applied to strings, including removal of trailing blanks for comparisons and empty strings converted to NULLs. How does that look like for our example (after setting the vector, restarting DB2, creating a different database)?
db2 => create table foo(id varchar(20) unique not null, num int)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc',1)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into foo values('abc ',2)
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0803N One or more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or
foreign key update caused by a DELETE statement are not valid because the
primary key, unique constraint or unique index identified by "1" constrains
table "HLOESER.FOO" from having duplicate values for the index key.